
"Now & Laters"

Images are made from a live stack of many images usually around 3 seconds for each frame. The stack is around 3 Minutes in duration. A dark frame is removed for each frame during the live stack.Minimal processing is performed during the live stack. No post processing is performed on the final image. These images can also be browsed in the object image page.Clicking on an image will open the full size image in another page.

Charts and References

Copeland's Septet, Hickson Compact Group 57) is a group of galaxies in the constellation Leo that includes NGC 3748, NGC 3754, NGC 3750, NGC 3751, NGC 3745, NGC 3753 and NGC 3746

NGC 3626 C 40

NGC 3187 Arp 316

NGC 3596

NGC 3507

NGC 2903

Leo Trio

M65 \ M66 \ NGC 3628