
"Now & Laters"

Images are made from a live stack of many images usually around 3 seconds for each frame. The stack is around 3 Minuets in duration. A dark frame is removed for each frame during the live stack.Minimal processing is performed during the live stack. No post processing is performed on the final image. These images can also be browsed in the object image page.Clicking on an image will open the full size image in another page.

Charts and references

M 84 / M 86 Markarian's Chain

M87 NGC 4486 Virgo A Supergiant Elliptical Galaxy. Zooming into the image will reveal a Blue Plasma Jet clearly visible just off the Galaxy. This relativistic jet of matter is being ejected from a supermassive black hole. In fact this black hole is the first ever imaged.

M 104 The Sombrero Galaxy

NGC 4216/4206/4222

C 52 Ngc4697 Galaxy